Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I need a break from writing my paper. I am now no longer aiming for just passing with this paper, I want a darn good grade on it. Though the chances of that happening are nearly non-existant, simply due to my fantastic grammatical ability. At least I will get to compare this to what I would be learning at Richmond, because a few of my friends are taking our Modern Political Theory course, which this is being credited to.

As I have been endlessly working on this paper, I have inevitably been in the cafeteria, as it is really the only spot in school where I can sit and use my laptop. The cafeteria however, is much more like a European café than anything else, which I guess fits the name. Between classes swarms of people flood this confined space spilling thier caffé-lattés as they spill out into the hallways. Luckily for me, they are not allowed to smoke in there, otherwise you wouldn´t be able to see through the fog. My guess is if they don´t have time to take their smoke break, they figure that downing a shot of caffinee will do the trick. I am still baffeled by the amount of coffee and cigarettes that they consume--and you people think that I drink too much caffinee. Apparently you haven´t been to Bilbao. Apparently they are immune to caffinee though, as it takes quite a bit to extract an occassional facial expression. I make it a habit to try and crack a smile out of at least someone on the metro.

Oh and Dad, I was utterly embarrassed the other day in class because of you. When I was asked to read an excerpt aloud, it included the capital of País Vasco, Vitoria. Well guess how I pronounced it. VIT-OR-E-A. Thank you, really. After only hearing that for a few days, it quickly became engraved in my head as the pronunciation, and no one knew that I was refering to VI-TOR-IA. Maybe I´m not good at breaking now pronunciation, but there is a vast difference between those two words. Oh well. Another one bites the dust.

In almost 24 hours I´ll be departing for Morocco, bag´s already packed. Grabbing it and going tomorrow after class. Maybe this time I´ll get my passport stamped. I´m trying to figure out what I can pull this time, since apparently telling the people in Germany that I had weapons was unsuccessful. I still only have a Madrid stamp. This is GOING to change.

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