Thursday, October 4, 2007

At least I wasn´t the only one.

I survived the first week of classes. By survived, I actually mean understood all my classes--but one. I was forewarned before I arrived in Spain that the classes would be very large, only lecture, and grades would comprise of entirely the final. Wrong on all accounts. I have attendance requirements, which is not something I planned on. I have to write papers, which wouldn´t so too bad, except I don´t know how 15 page Spanish papers will look. Participation is required, in all my classes. My biggest class now has about 35 students, my smallest five.

The one that has five only meets once a week, Thursday nights, for 3.5 hours. Modern Political Theory. Today was my first session of this class, and I get there early, in case the class in full, to get a seat towards the front. By the time class started, there were two other students (both in their mid-twenties) and someone who looked like he might be a graduate student helping teach the class. Our professor walks in, looks at me, and asks "what are you doing here?". (keep in mind yes, this is in Spanish)
"I´m here to study political theory"
"No, more general. Why are you here?"
"To learn about another culture, and to improve my Spanish"
"Where did you come from?"
"The United States"
At this point he simply shook his head in despair and proceed to ask the graduate student next to me the same question, "why are you here?" "I am here because according to ----- theory (still don´t know which theory it was) nature must not only reproduce, but produce new things before reproducing itself....."

Of course. How silly of me not to have known that. Failed task one. I then had some saving grace when he ask me to name five current presidents. He then fired questions at as, and since there were multiple answers, and we had a small group, everyone had to respond. I immediately began answering first, simply because I didn´t want my answers taken. Bad call. The professor then felt I had redeemed myself, and knew what I was talking about.

After 2.5 hours, he decided to let us out early, to give us time to prepare our research topics for the semester. Lost, I asked "I didn´t know we had a research project, what is it about?" "Modern Political Theory", laughs, and leaves. Greatttt.

The other 4 students in class however were as wide-eyed as I was, and we had a pow-wow to attempt to figure what had just taken place during the past few hours. We collectively decided that he wanted us to create a question orientated thesis regarding a basis human theory, and connect it to Sociology and Politics. Fantastic. No pressure.

I have come to a conclusion however. I can argue and debate better about politics or academic related fields better than I can order food in a restaurant in Spanish. My basic Spanish still has wide gaps, which will hopefully be closed upon my return home. Yet my points, as odd as they are, are conveyed quite clearly in class. Go figure.

Tomorrow I am off to the south of France with another preplanned trip with the Americans. Incredibly excited that I will have been to Italy and France in the same week--two places I´ve always wanted to visit.

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