Tuesday, October 16, 2007

how silly of me

I recieved my first real homework assignment. By real, I am referring to a "long term" assignment, in which I will be writing five short papers. When one of my classmates inquired as to the due date of the assignment, my professor simply smiled, and said "assignments are due when you finish them". Well golly gee wizz. I can choose when I want to do my homework. How convenient. I however, not wanting to get behind, have already started.

This past weekend I had a friend visit me who is studying in Sevilla this semseter (Meredith Kamis). We decided to go hiking along the cliffs and mountains in Santander: stunningly beautiful. Santander is outside of Pais Vasco, and again, this is very apparent due to the hanging of the Spanish flag--everywhere. It was uncommon for us not to see a Spanish flag from any particalur spot we were standing down town. The reason why were were outside all day was because Friday was a holiday. Christiphor Columbus Day to be more exact. Actually its two holidays, but Christiphor Columbus day is one of them. I thought that was interesting.

Saturday we decided to explore the old part of the city, called Casco Viejo. Gorgeous area. Lots of shops and cafes, usually markets as well. Saturday however was shopping day, and there were too many people in the streets for the markets to be open. Shopping day, from what I gathered, meant that there were massive sales, and taxes were discounted. I didn´t quite take advantage, as I didn´t find anything that I really needed.

Saturday night was quite fun. We went out and were on our way to my favorite club when we passed a cafe that was still open. We peeked inside and were immeditaly waved in. It was a wedding party. We were wedding crashers. The bride and groom had left for their honeymoon and rented the cafe with an open bar for their wedding party. We quickly became the center of attention as everyone wanted to practice their English. I´ve found that wedding parties are usually a good bet for finding English speakers, as people generally travel for weddings, which heightens the chances that they´ll speak English.

Sunday was simply a chance relax and arrange the rest of our trips. We quickly became broke after booking three trips, and planning the fourth. Next weekend I´ll be off to Barcelona, in November I´m sneaking off to Sevilla, and in December I´ll going to finally experience Paris. I won´t lie. I´m a tad bit excited.

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