Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Welcome to the World of Spanish Classes.

Three down and one to go. I successful have made it through 3 of my classes, understanding the lectures AND the homework assignments. That was a huge plus. I am a bit confused as to why no professors here like syllabi, and as I am a huge fan of them, may struggle without them. Especially with my fluency level, being able to work ahead would be a great asset, but alas, that ball is not in my court.

The hallways are swarming with students. However, when I say students, it refers to people studying, not necessarily the college age type student you might envision. For example, today I sat behind two 30 year old women. I know, it´s strange that I would ever sit behind someone, as I generally am in the front row, but I was sadly too intimidated to do such today. I am glad that I have time between my classes, as I would never be able to navigate a path through the congestion of people packed into the hallways. There are 17,000 students at Deusto, and two buildings in which classes are held. The halls, library, and cafeteria are all utter chaos.

The classes however are not nearly as large as I envisioned. I was forewarned that as there is no cap on classes, a lecture hall could be filled with close to 125 students. My largest class thus far however, probably only has about 40 students. Definitely manageable.

I do have rather early classes, I´ll have to wake up at 6:15 on Wednesdays to get ready, catch the metro, walk to campus for class to start at 8:00. It was a fair trade though, as I have a travel cushion on free Fridays and late classes on Mondays. I envision it will be worth it. I may need to bring my flashlight on Wednesdays´s though, as the sun rises around 8:00. It will definitely be entertaining. Maybe I´ll finally see empty streets, as that as not yet occurred.

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