Sunday, September 2, 2007

City Life

Walking outside the only places that are open are the bakeries and the churches, a dead give a way that it is Sunday. Even the park had less people today. Today is recovery day, as Omar (el amigo de mi señora) told me; a day for watching futbol, as the kids told me; or a day for sleeping, as mi señora told me. I followed her lead, and slept during the afternoon, because I was planning to go out after dinner. Dinner has still been around 9:30 every night, and the streets are busier at midnight than they are at noon.

However, my plans changed a bit, as we decided to go to the fair instead around 8:00. Bilbao had their annual festivals last week, and the fair stays a week after, so today was the last day. There were thousands of people, as everything at the fair was on sale. 20 bottles of wine for 10 Euros. I don´t quite know how people carried these things to their cars, but I saw armfuls of wine and pig legs today. After the fair, Daniel, the youngest, insisted that we go to Burger King, since he didn´t win a crown at the fair. So went to Burger King, where mi señora ordered a beer with her meal en lieu of a soda. No extra change. Simply a way of life here.

I still have not figured out the bus system here, which would have come in handy last night, as I had to walk nearly three miles back home. The metro, apparently closes at midnight, a fact I wish I had known before I went out. So when I was done for the evening and went to the station, it was gated shut. Which meant that I could take one of the 75 buses, or walk. I opted to walk, as I felt I should know my way around anyways, and did manage to find my house quite easily amidst the dark streets and absence of street signs.

This week will be my first week of immersion classes at the University, which I am rather anxious for. Next week the kids start school, neither of them are excited however. They quite enjoy their days of cartoons and biking. Everyday I am learning more though, and thus my adoration for Spain is increasing.

On a side note, I have decided that if I ever need an escape vehicle, that I am having a European be behind the wheel. The maneuvering tactics and incredibly parking abilities are both smooth and dangerous. A seemingly impossible combination, until you are in the car you may not realize how true it is though.

Tonight will be an early night. ¡Buenas Noches!

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